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Working together to help abused kids recover through pets

Recovery Thru Pets

We are a humane organization bringing significant improvement to the well-being of abused children through animal-assisted interventions. Our mission is to help abused children cope with their trauma throughout the recovery process by connecting them to animal shelters with service dogs. We also support the guardians or foster parents through online course programs.

Home Office

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Monday – Friday


Modules and Course Overview

To equip guardians or foster parents of abused children with the information, knowledge, and expertise they need on HOW TO break through the barriers to improve communication with their children. To help guardians or foster parents understand the correlation between the love of animals and a child’s safety. Ensure the child receives help as soon as possible and provide the child with the best chance for healthy future relationships and the life they deserve. Additionally, relevant and related topics will be included that are helpful for parents and guardians.

Want to get a sense of what the life of a modern parent looks like before deciding? If so, this course is for you. In this mentor-led course, you’ll spend time learning foundational parenting skills and understanding more about what the day-to-day life of a modern parent looks like. In addition, this course will allow you to evaluate if a self-paced, online program with generous 1-on-1 support is right for you. If you decide it is, this can be a significant first step toward that future!

When you take our course, you only need a heart for kids and animals and the ability to empathize with other parents.

You’ll work on substantial modules and complete real-world learning about parenting, victims of child abuse, supporting animal welfare, etc.


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