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Online Course for Parents

Pet Care


Child Protection and Trauma Recovery

Pet Care


Proper pet care is the basis of responsible pet ownership or pet handling. When a pet joins the family, it is essential to understand it is a commitment to a furry family member who depends on you for their health and well-being. 

The unconditional love and joy that pets bring to our lives more than makes up for the added responsibility that comes with welcoming a furry child to the family.

We will discuss the necessary duties that all pet owners and pet handlers must provide to ensure your pet’s health and happiness. 

With these course topics, we’ll share tips on proper pet care. We will also help parents understand the correlation between animals’ love and a child’s emotional health and feeling safe. 

Then, you and your beloved pet are well to a lifetime of happiness together.

The first step toward understanding how to best care for your pet is learning about Pet Care.

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