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Internet Cyber Safety Tips for Kids of All Ages

About This Course

It’s easy to forget that the information we put on social media is visible to our actual social circles and our friends’ friends, and their friends’ friends, and that creepy guy halfway across the world who you’ve never met. So, today we break down the importance of setting strict privacy settings, choosing strong passwords, and other steps you can take as a parent to ensure your children stay safe online. Good news! Internet safety is easier than you think.

In a few years of development, Social Media has been one of the remarkable innovations, making communication easier and accessible to all. However, it has drawbacks, as with every other helpful appliance. Cyberbullying is one of its significant drawbacks in which a group or individuals are embarrassed or harassed by messages from people. This course proposes the most straightforward and new technology to spot social media abuse to detect cyberbullying issues for various age groups.

Take This Course


Estimated 4 – 6 weeks (2 – 3 hours per session)


Instructor-paced (Instructor-led on a course schedule)

Take This Course


Estimated 4 – 6 weeks (2 – 3 hours per session)


Instructor-paced (Instructor-led on a course schedule)

About This Course

It’s easy to forget that the information we put on social media is visible to our actual social circles and our friends’ friends, and their friends’ friends, and that creepy guy halfway across the world who you’ve never met. So, today we break down the importance of setting strict privacy settings, choosing strong passwords, and other steps you can take as a parent to ensure your children stay safe online. Good news! Internet safety is easier than you think.

In a few years of development, Social Media has been one of the remarkable innovations, making communication easier and accessible to all. However, it has drawbacks, as with every other helpful appliance. Cyberbullying is one of its significant drawbacks in which a group or individuals are embarrassed or harassed by messages from people. This course proposes the most straightforward and new technology to spot social media abuse to detect cyberbullying issues for various age groups.



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